57 research outputs found


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    Turizam se vodi kao utjecajan dio gospodarstva gotovo svih zemalja svijeta. Turistička ponuda i potražnja diktiraju uspješnost i razvoj svih komponenata u turizmu. U radu je uzeta komponenta smještajnih kapaciteta i nastoji se razjasniti kako struktura smještajnih kapaciteta određuje broj noćenja i dolazaka turista, te za posljedicu ima više ili manje izraženu sezonalnost. Smještajni objekti ovisno o vrsti balansiraju ponudu pojedinih područja. Zbog točnijeg utvrđivanja stanja hrvatskih smještajnih objekata i njihovog utjecaja na turističku potražnju i sezonalnost uzete su u analizu zemlje sličnog geografskog obilježja i slične turističke ponude. No, analiziranjem sekundarnih podataka utvrđeno je da broj dolazaka i broj noćenja ne ovisi samo o strukturi smještajnih objekata već i o vrsti turizma u pojedinim zemljama. Osim toga stupanj sezonalnosti je drugačiji u svakoj zemlji tj. ovisno o turističkoj ponudi koja se nudi ovisi i broj dolazaka i noćenja koji se ostvaruje. Uspješnije realizirana ponuda i raznolikost smještajnih objekata umanjuje sezonalnost. Broj noćenja i ostvarenih dolazaka po podacima se svake godine povećava, ali za sada samo u malim razmjerima. Dok se god sezonalnost „vuče“ kao problem, broj ostvarenih dolazaka i noćenja će se pomicati malim koracima. Potrebno je obogatiti turističku ponudu s atrakcijama, drugim oblicima turizma jer Hrvatska još uvijek „gradi“ svoju turističku „karijeru“ na ljetnom kupališnom turizmu dok se druge zemlje pronašle način kako smanjiti sezonalnost i zainteresirati turiste za dolazak tijekom cijele godine što se najbolje vidi iz prikazanih podataka.Tourism is led as an influential part of the economy of almost all countries of the world. Tourism offers and demand dictate the success and development of all components in tourism. In this paper, a component of accommodation capacities is taken and it is attempted to clarify how the structure of accommodation capacities determines the number of nights and arrivals of tourists, and consequently has more or less pronounced seasonality. Accommodation facilities, depending on the type, balance the offer of individual areas. Due to the more accurate determination of the status of Croatian accommodation facilities and their impact on tourism demand and seasonality, they were analyzed by a country of similar geographic characteristics and similar tourism offerings. But by analyzing secondary data, it was determined that the number of arrivals and the number of overnight stays depends not only on the structure of accommodation facilities but also on the type of tourism in individual countries. In addition, the degree of seasonality is different in each country, depending on the tourist offer offered depending on the number of arrivals and overnight stays to be realized. Successfully realized offer and variety of accommodation facilities reduces seasonality. The number of overnight stays and incoming arrivals is increasing each year, but for now only in small proportions. As long as seasonality "pulls" as a problem, the number of arrivals and nights will be moved in small steps. It is necessary to enrich the tourist offer with attractions, other forms of tourism because Croatia is still "building" its tourist "career" on summer bathing tourism while other countries have found a way to reduce seasonality and attract tourists to come throughout the year which is best seen from the displayed data

    Static Calculation of Apartment Building : Undergraduate Thesis

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    U radu je prikazan statički proračun stambene zgrade. Stambena zgrada sastoji se od prizemlja, dvije etaže i ravnog krova. Nosiva konstrukcija građevine izvedena je od armiranog betona. Projekt sadrži: tehnički opis, proračun nosivih konstrukcijskih elemenata, karakteristične građevinske nacrte i armaturne planove.The static design of apartment building is presented in this work. The apartment building consist of two stories, ground floor and flat roof. Structure of building is made od reinforced concrete. The work include tehnical description of the structure, calcuation of the main structural elemenets as well as characteristic structural plans and reinforcement plans

    Frazemi u djelu "gledišta jednog klauna" i njihovi ekvivalenti u hrvatskome jeziku

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    In dieser Schlussarbeit handelt es sich um Idiomatische Redewendungen im Werk von Heinrich Böll, Ansichten eines Clowns, und ihre kroatischen Entsprechungen, die in einer Übersetzung desselben Buchs gefunden wurden. Die Ausgangssprache ist Deutsch und die Zielsprache ist Kroatisch. Anhand von Literatur und selbstständiger Arbeit werden fünfzig Beispiele auf Deutsch und fünfzig auf Kroatisch dargestellt und in fünf Gruppen eingeteilt. In der Einleitung gibt es eine Einführung in die Terminologie der Phraseologismen und eine Erläuterung der Kriterien für Abgrenzung der Phraseologismen von freien Wortver-bindungen. Für diese Abgrenzung wird im Grunde eine Forschungsarbeit von Wolfgang Fleischer, Phraseologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache verwendet, aber auch einige andere, wie Phraseologie Eine Einführung von Christine Palm und Moderne deutsche Idiomatik von Friedrich Wolf. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die übersetzte deutsche Phraseologismen zu finden, die eigentlich sehr schwer in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen sind, und sie anhand der Einteilung von Petrovic Velimir (Phraseologie im Fremdsprachenunterricht) einteilen; die Ergebnisse zu kommentieren und noch mögliche andere kroatische Übersetzungen, bzw Entsprechungen vorzuschlagen. Mit anderen Worten, es steht eine kontrastive Analyse der ungefähr fünfzig selbständig gefundenen Phraseologismen vor. Am Ende gibt es noch eine Schlussfolgerung und in dem Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis eine Liste von Forschungen und Wörterbüchern, die, außer den schon erwähnten, als Hilfsmittel bei dieser Arbeit verwendet worden sind

    Frazemi u djelu "gledišta jednog klauna" i njihovi ekvivalenti u hrvatskome jeziku

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    In dieser Schlussarbeit handelt es sich um Idiomatische Redewendungen im Werk von Heinrich Böll, Ansichten eines Clowns, und ihre kroatischen Entsprechungen, die in einer Übersetzung desselben Buchs gefunden wurden. Die Ausgangssprache ist Deutsch und die Zielsprache ist Kroatisch. Anhand von Literatur und selbstständiger Arbeit werden fünfzig Beispiele auf Deutsch und fünfzig auf Kroatisch dargestellt und in fünf Gruppen eingeteilt. In der Einleitung gibt es eine Einführung in die Terminologie der Phraseologismen und eine Erläuterung der Kriterien für Abgrenzung der Phraseologismen von freien Wortver-bindungen. Für diese Abgrenzung wird im Grunde eine Forschungsarbeit von Wolfgang Fleischer, Phraseologie der deutschen Gegenwartssprache verwendet, aber auch einige andere, wie Phraseologie Eine Einführung von Christine Palm und Moderne deutsche Idiomatik von Friedrich Wolf. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die übersetzte deutsche Phraseologismen zu finden, die eigentlich sehr schwer in eine andere Sprache zu übersetzen sind, und sie anhand der Einteilung von Petrovic Velimir (Phraseologie im Fremdsprachenunterricht) einteilen; die Ergebnisse zu kommentieren und noch mögliche andere kroatische Übersetzungen, bzw Entsprechungen vorzuschlagen. Mit anderen Worten, es steht eine kontrastive Analyse der ungefähr fünfzig selbständig gefundenen Phraseologismen vor. Am Ende gibt es noch eine Schlussfolgerung und in dem Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis eine Liste von Forschungen und Wörterbüchern, die, außer den schon erwähnten, als Hilfsmittel bei dieser Arbeit verwendet worden sind


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    Turizam se vodi kao utjecajan dio gospodarstva gotovo svih zemalja svijeta. Turistička ponuda i potražnja diktiraju uspješnost i razvoj svih komponenata u turizmu. U radu je uzeta komponenta smještajnih kapaciteta i nastoji se razjasniti kako struktura smještajnih kapaciteta određuje broj noćenja i dolazaka turista, te za posljedicu ima više ili manje izraženu sezonalnost. Smještajni objekti ovisno o vrsti balansiraju ponudu pojedinih područja. Zbog točnijeg utvrđivanja stanja hrvatskih smještajnih objekata i njihovog utjecaja na turističku potražnju i sezonalnost uzete su u analizu zemlje sličnog geografskog obilježja i slične turističke ponude. No, analiziranjem sekundarnih podataka utvrđeno je da broj dolazaka i broj noćenja ne ovisi samo o strukturi smještajnih objekata već i o vrsti turizma u pojedinim zemljama. Osim toga stupanj sezonalnosti je drugačiji u svakoj zemlji tj. ovisno o turističkoj ponudi koja se nudi ovisi i broj dolazaka i noćenja koji se ostvaruje. Uspješnije realizirana ponuda i raznolikost smještajnih objekata umanjuje sezonalnost. Broj noćenja i ostvarenih dolazaka po podacima se svake godine povećava, ali za sada samo u malim razmjerima. Dok se god sezonalnost „vuče“ kao problem, broj ostvarenih dolazaka i noćenja će se pomicati malim koracima. Potrebno je obogatiti turističku ponudu s atrakcijama, drugim oblicima turizma jer Hrvatska još uvijek „gradi“ svoju turističku „karijeru“ na ljetnom kupališnom turizmu dok se druge zemlje pronašle način kako smanjiti sezonalnost i zainteresirati turiste za dolazak tijekom cijele godine što se najbolje vidi iz prikazanih podataka.Tourism is led as an influential part of the economy of almost all countries of the world. Tourism offers and demand dictate the success and development of all components in tourism. In this paper, a component of accommodation capacities is taken and it is attempted to clarify how the structure of accommodation capacities determines the number of nights and arrivals of tourists, and consequently has more or less pronounced seasonality. Accommodation facilities, depending on the type, balance the offer of individual areas. Due to the more accurate determination of the status of Croatian accommodation facilities and their impact on tourism demand and seasonality, they were analyzed by a country of similar geographic characteristics and similar tourism offerings. But by analyzing secondary data, it was determined that the number of arrivals and the number of overnight stays depends not only on the structure of accommodation facilities but also on the type of tourism in individual countries. In addition, the degree of seasonality is different in each country, depending on the tourist offer offered depending on the number of arrivals and overnight stays to be realized. Successfully realized offer and variety of accommodation facilities reduces seasonality. The number of overnight stays and incoming arrivals is increasing each year, but for now only in small proportions. As long as seasonality "pulls" as a problem, the number of arrivals and nights will be moved in small steps. It is necessary to enrich the tourist offer with attractions, other forms of tourism because Croatia is still "building" its tourist "career" on summer bathing tourism while other countries have found a way to reduce seasonality and attract tourists to come throughout the year which is best seen from the displayed data

    Static Calculation of Apartment Building : Undergraduate Thesis

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    U radu je prikazan statički proračun stambene zgrade. Stambena zgrada sastoji se od prizemlja, dvije etaže i ravnog krova. Nosiva konstrukcija građevine izvedena je od armiranog betona. Projekt sadrži: tehnički opis, proračun nosivih konstrukcijskih elemenata, karakteristične građevinske nacrte i armaturne planove.The static design of apartment building is presented in this work. The apartment building consist of two stories, ground floor and flat roof. Structure of building is made od reinforced concrete. The work include tehnical description of the structure, calcuation of the main structural elemenets as well as characteristic structural plans and reinforcement plans


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    Technology has been imposed on today’s students since their birth, them being surrounded by computers, tablets and other tools of the digital age. Mathematics is a teaching subject which represents the gratest obstacle to students in their schooling and prejudice against it has existed since the very beginning of schooling. Information and communication technology can make its learning much easier, both to students and teachers. The aim of the paper was to determine if there was a difference in the achievement of the students taught by contemporary GeoGebra classes and traditional classes. By conducting the research and interpreting the results, the GeoGebra program was found to have a significant role in learning of new contents in mathematics, and students have shown progress by working in the contemporary mode of GeoGebra program. It can be said that this program is very convenient in learning maths, especially in geometry, and the students were satisfied with their work in the program, what is confirmed with the results of the survey questionnaires on satisfaction issue


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    Anafi laksija je akutna, generalizirana, potencijalno vitalno ugrožavajuća reakcija preosjetljivosti. Naziv alergijska anafi laksija upotrebljava se za imunološku reakciju koja je posredovana IgE, IgG protutijelima ili imunim kompleksima. Nealergijska anafi laksija nastaje bez posredovanja imunosnog mehanizma uslijed izravne degranulacije mastocita. Incidencija anafi laksije u odraslih u Europi, prema izvješću Europske akademije alergologije i kliničke imunologije, procjenjuje se na 1,5 - 7,9/100 000, dok za djecu dostupni podaci uvelike variraju. Najčešći uzročnici anafi laksije u djece su nutritivni alergeni (jaje, kravlje mlijeko, kikiriki, orašasti plodovi, bijela riba), potom ubodi insekata te lijekovi. Pravovremeno prepoznavanje simptoma, prekidanje dodira bolesnika s alergenom te pravodobna primjena medikamentozne terapije ključni su za dobar ishod liječenja. Adrenalin, prema svim smjernicama, predstavlja prvu liniju liječenja anafi laksije i njegovu primjenu ne treba odgađati. Primjenjuje se intramuskularno u srednju trećinu lateralne strane bedra (m. vastus lateralis) u dozi od 0,01 ml/kg. U slučaju perzistiranja simptoma, ponavlja se primjena adrenalina nakon pet minuta. S obzirom na povećanu vaskularnu propusnost i posljedičnu ekstravazaciju tekućine, tijekom anafi laksije potrebno je što prije postaviti venski put te započeti primjenu kristaloidnih otopina u dozi 500 - 1000 mL za odrasle te 10 - 20 mL/kg za djecu, u bolusu. Također, u svih pacijenata, potrebno je primijeniti visoki protok kisika putem maske. Prema najnovijim smjernicama ne preporučuje se više rutinska primjena kortikosteroida. Postoji vrlo malo dokaza o njihovoj učinkovitosti u sprečavanju protrahiranih i bifazičnih reakcija. Međutim, primjena kortikosteroida može biti korisna u pacijenata s anafi laksijom kod kojih akutna egzacerbacija astme doprinosi težini kliničke slike. Simptomi anafi laksije i teške akutne egzacerbacije astme mogu biti jednaki, stoga je nužno kod svih pacijentima koji se prezentiraju kliničkom slikom teške bronhoopstrukcije, uz anamnestički podatak o mogućoj izloženosti alergenu, prvo primijeniti adrenalin, a potom ordinirati inhalaciju salbutamola ili ipratropij bromida. Primjena antihistaminika se ne preporučuje tijekom inicijalnog zbrinjavanja anafi laksije. Antihistaminici se mogu primijeniti za liječenje kožnih simptoma, ali njihova primjena ne smije odgoditi primjenu adrenalina. Kod pacijenata s dobrim odgovorom unutar 5 - 10 minuta na jednokratnu terapiju adrenalinom, dobivenu unutar 30 minuta od reakcije, moguć je otpust nakon opservacije u trajanju od minimalno dva sata. U slučaju primjene dvije doze adrenalina te anamnestičkog podatka o prethodnom bifazičnom tijeku reakcije, potrebna je opservacija od minimalno šest sati. Pacijente je potrebno opservirati tijekom najmanje 12 sati ako je bilo potrebno primijeniti više od dvije doze adrenalina, ako imaju nekontroliranu astmu, ako je reakcija uključivala tešku bronhoopstrukciju, ako postoji mogućnost daljnje apsorpcije alergena (npr. kod ingestije sporo oslobađajućih lijekova) ili ako je reakcija nastupila tijekom noći a pacijent živi u područjima bez dostupne medicinske skrbi. Profi laktički, svim pacijentima s poviješću i predispozicijom za anafi laksiju, potrebno je prepisati autoinjektor adrenalina

    Task Structure by Bloom Taxonomy in The Mathematics Textbooks of Lower Elementary Classes

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    Rješavanje zadataka je najčešća aktivnost učenika u nastavi matematike. U radu donosimo kratki opis pojma matematičkoga zadatka, njegove uloge u nastavi i etapa kojima se pristupa u rješavanju zadataka. Napravljena je i klasifikacija zadataka u nastavi matematike u ovisnosti o njegovoj kognitivnoj zahtjevnosti. Cilj rada bio je provjeriti koliko su zadaci u slučajno odabrainim udžbenicima usmjereni aktivnom učenju matematike od strane učenika. U tome nam je poslužila Bloomova taksonomija sa svojih šest razina kognitivnih procesa. Za svaku razinu, navedeni su ciljevi (ishodi) učenja, tipični aktivni glagoli i najčešći zadaci iz matematičkih udžbenika. Udžbenici su analizirani i s aspekta klasifikacije koja se uobičajeno koristi u početnoj nastavi matematike, a koju je uveo Josip Markovac. Uvidom u rezultate može se lako zaključiti da oni nisu u potpunosti usklađeni sa suvremenom nastavom i da ne obuhvaćaju sve razine kognitivnih procesa. U udžbenicima su većinom prisutni numerički zadaci koji se odnose na činjenično znanje obuhvaćajući najniže razine kognitivnih procesa, dok su zadatci koji potiču učenike na korištenje viših misaonih procesa, izostavljeni.Problem solving is the most common activity that students do in teaching mathematics. This paper presents a brief description of the concept of a mathematical task, its role in teaching, and stages that have to be approached to solving problems. The classification of tasks in teaching mathematics is made according to its cognitive complexity. The aim of the paper was to check if the tasks in randomly selected mathematics textbooks are directed to students’ active mathematics learning and to which extension. Bloom\u27s taxonomy served us in this situation with its six levels of cognitive processes. Learning goals (outcomes), typical active verbs, and most common mathematics textbook tasks are named for each level. The textbooks were also analyzed from the aspect of classification commonly used in elementary mathematics teaching, introduced by Josip Markovac. From the insight of the results, one can easily conclude that they are not fully aligned with contemporary teaching and do not include all levels of cognitive processes. The textbooks mostly contain numerical tasks that relate to factual knowledge, covering the lowest levels of cognitive processes, while tasks that encourage students to use higher thought processes are left out

    Monitoring content of cadmium, calcium, copper, iron, lead, magnesium and manganese in tea leaves by electrothermal and flame atomizer atomic absorption spectrometry.

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    Due to the simplicity of tea preparation (pouring hot water onto different dried herbs) and its high popularity as a beverage, monitoring and developing a screening methodology for detecting the metal content is very important. The concentrations of Cd, Ca, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg and Mn in 11 different samples of sage (Salvia officinalis L.), linden (Tilia L.) and chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) purchased at local herbal pharmacy were determined using electrothermal atomizer atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) and flame atomizer atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The concentrations determined were: Cd (0.012 - 0.470 mg kg-1), Ca (5209 - 16340 mg kg-1), Cu (22.01 - 33.05 mg kg-1), Fe (114.2 - 440.3 mg kg-1), Pb (0.545 - 2.538 mg kg-1), Mg (2649 - 4325 mg kg-1) and Mn (34.00 - 189.6 mg kg-1). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to identify factors (soil and climate) influencing the content of the measured elements in herbal samples. The proposed methodology developed in this work was successfully applied to the detection of metals in herbal samples. The analysis showed that the content of toxic metals in herbal teas was below the maximum dose recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)